Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dog sneezing from flea collar?

I put this collar I bought on a stray dog in my neighborhood, it is supposed to keep away vermin and is 100% herbal. It has stuff like eucalyptus and geranium and I can't remember much cause I threw the package away but now that I put it on the dog - she started sneezing a bit. Not like a lot, but just occasionally. I'm worried that this may be bad and I'm wondering whether I should take it off of her, but at the same time if it's nothing serious I'd rather she keep it because my neighborhood is full of fleas and all kinds of crap. You think it sounds....bad?
Dog sneezing from flea collar?
The only collar I trust is Preventic Collar by Virbac, it only protects against ticks though, not fleas.

I'd take the collar off and give the dog a bath, it could definitely be some sort of allergic reaction. Go the the Vet and get Frontline, it can be sold over the counter. Costs about $13-$15 per tube depending on the size of the dog. Advantage and Advantix also work well and are safe, they are by presription only, so the pet would have to have been to the Vet within 1 year before it could be dispensed to you.

It could also be the start of a upper respiratory infection. Get the dog to a Vet asap, especially if you plan to keep her.
Reply:Oh I'm jumping up and down on this question with my hand raised. I share my advice with experience. I will no longer use flea collars because of my experience. It turned out not only was my dog allergic to the collar so was I! It was terrible. I only now use what my vet sells, which I believe is Frontline. Which turns out to be better because my dogs are swimmers and we live off the lake. Flea collars are not water proof. I suggest away with the flea collar and get stuff from your local vet.
Reply:Some dogs are allergic to eucalyptus and other plants. It can also cause skin problems. The smell on the collar at first is strong, but it will wear off soon enough, just make sure it doesn't bother her skin around her neck. It will look red and rash like. Leave it on for another day and see if she stops sneezing then.

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