Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hello I'mjust wondering how best to keep geraniums and pelargoniums in winter if I don't have a greenhouse?

Geraniums have to be removed from soil before they freeze. Just loosen with a claw and shake off dirt. Put into cardboard box up high at the back of garage, the floor tends to freeze. If they freeze, they die. Take them out in Feb, cut back and pot, water, and keep inside till danger of frost is over.

Pelargoniums: Starters are broken off in the fall and put into dirt trays. Water after 3 days and sparingly through the winter. Keep in basement windows where they get a little light but won't freeze. Transplant in spring.

If you lack the space, then you should not try to keep them over the winter and just buy new in spring. They are not that expensive. And one of my favorite places to go come spring, is a green house, packed full of flowers!
Hello I'mjust wondering how best to keep geraniums and pelargoniums in winter if I don't have a greenhouse?
Do you have a basement where its cool? or a garage where the plants wouldnt freeze during winter? That will do. Good luck :-)
Reply:You can also dig up, shake the excess dirt off, and hang upside down in the garage. Does work, but not all make it. I prefer to dig them up, pot and enjoy them as flowering houseplants all winter.

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