Thursday, January 26, 2012

Living in drought-stricken Columbia,SC, wondering how often hanging geraniums need to be watered?

I assume windy days will dry them faster
Living in drought-stricken Columbia,SC, wondering how often hanging geraniums need to be watered?

Geraniums are able to withstand some dryness. In fact, it is important not to over-water them, especially cuttings and young plants. To avoid root rot, water them only when the soil around them begins to dry out. Watch those geraniums in clay containers in the hot sun. They are likely to dry out faster than those in the garden. If possible water by hand or drip system to avoid wetting the blossoms. They deteriorate quickly when soaked."

Here's a tip from me - but a bucket in the shower with you to catch the water (when you aren't dribbling soap). This is an good way to get plant water without breaking restrictions.
Reply:I agree with "I see you". Geraniums do best when allowed to dry out between waterings. I also agree with you, on windy days water more often. I would suggest that every other day might be appropriate... trial and error will be the only real way to know.

Try adding a silicon gel to the soil to help with water retention. The brand we have up here is called "Soil Moist". It's dry when you get it, when it gets wet, it swells and hold water (like clear Jell-o). As the soil drys around the gel, the water is 'leached' out.

Hope that this helps

Hope the drought breaks soon!
Reply:I live in Alabama and when it is extremely hot here(Aug) I must water mine twice a day. Right now - at least daily
Reply:as ofen as needed to keep the soil moist ~ water when the surface feels dry.

great water conservation idea above - and a little soap will not even hurt ;)

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