Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Can you harvest seeds from store bought annuals?

I hate buying new plants each year. Can I save dead blooms and harvest seeds when they dry out? I have geraniums, fuscia, new gueina impaitiens...lots that you can't buy seeds for. Those big beautiful hanging baskets can cost a lot from a good garden center!

Ideally, I'd like to plant in the winter inside a little greenhouse.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Can you harvest seeds from store bought annuals?
Just a word of advice, if you collect the seed from F1 hybrids, you will not get the same plant as the parent. The seed will revert back to either the male or female parent plant which will not be the same as the one you collected the seeds from.

It will say on the seed packet when you buy annuals whether they are F1 hybrids.

If left to seed themselves, most annuals will re-appear next year without any help from you.
Reply:Absolutely. Harvest the flowers after they have faded on the plant. Put them in a dry place and let them totally dry out. Harvest the seeds %26amp; put them in a baggie. Leave the top of the bag open so any remaining moisture will dry out of them.

In the spring before planting time take a couple dozen seeds %26amp; place them on a paper towel. Wet the towell %26amp; keep it moist. See how many seeds sprout %26amp; that will tell you how thick to plant your seeds. If only a couple sprout plant thickly but if most sprout use fewer seeds in your garden.

Zinnias are an especially easy seed to save. Petunias are hard because the seeds are very tiny.

Just have fun %26amp; you will have tons of "free" flowers.
Reply:Do it all the time, any plant you can collect seeds from.

Marigolds are probably the easiest!

Experiment! Have fun!
Reply:My co-worker actually propigates from cuttings of store bought annuals (especially impatiens.) She has real good luck with it. Just an idea.
Reply:Yes, but not the species you are buying. Try morning glories or nosturtium, both will go to seed which you can plant and they will return the following year. I've been doing this for 8 years. Another hint, both Lowes and Home Depot offer a year guarantee on their plants. I take mine back in the origianl containers with the receipt and get a new one at the end of the season.
Reply:I do it ever year. This year I have planted marigolds, zinnia's, morning glories, 4 oclocks, just to name a few.
Reply:I have good luck with sunflowers.
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