Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What kind of plants can I put in my turtles tank?

Box turtle. I read they like to eat Geraniums? I would like to put some pants in the aquarium to create a more natural like habitat, but something that Turtle could safely eat.

Herbs? Flowers?

mind you, its a 20 gallon tank, so there wont be a garden by any means LOL but still somthing.
What kind of plants can I put in my turtles tank?
Don't forget, Box Turtles eat 75% insects, etc. in the wild so make sure to provide a balanced meal.

Also- a 20 gallon tank is pretty small for a Box Turtle unless it is very small. An adult Box Turtle would be happiest in about a 4' x 4' habitat.

I would not bother to plant much in the 20 gallon tank. Maybe set a potted plant in for humidity. has a lot of great facts for you!
Reply:They like to eat earthworms, strawberries, and poisonous mushrooms. These mushrooms don’t hurt the turtles, but they can kill people! Never eat a wild mushroom or plant! Just because an animal is eating something doesn’t mean it’s safe for you! so dont use poisonous stuff, like mushrooms, my turtle loves dandilions! you should get some of thoughs, meal worms too, dont use the dry ones, buy the live ones, there healthyer too
Reply:A lot of plants are poisonous, so check anything you put in. You might want to go with plants you normally think of as weeds, such as purselane or lambs'-quarters. Dandelions would be good if they didn't have such long tap roots. See what he likes. I had one that liked carnations. Go figure.
Reply:green ones

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