Friday, January 27, 2012

What will happen?

if i don't cut back my lemon scented/ citronella geranium that i have over wintered? should i still cut it back or let it go???
What will happen?

You should prune back your Geranium in the early spring before it starts its new growth pattern. I agree with the answer that your plant is getting leggy. Most plant specimens that start getting leggy will benefit from a good pruning. Your Geranium will become full and plush if you prune correctly. You will also receive more blooms this year.

I will link you to the proper pruning page of my website. It doesn't matter what type of plant specimen you are trimming, always cut at an angle. Cutting straight across can damage any plant specimen. I will also link you to the site map, as this page has everything that is on the website. Browse through as there are many articles, tips and techniques that may help you out with any other landscape project or plant specimen. Good luck to you with your Geranium and have a great day!



Reply:It may go a bit browny and woody as the sun can not get to the undergrouth and will grow very sticky it wont stay dense
Reply:You will end up with a very tall leggy plant that has all the foliage at the top, it will then be top heavy.

If you cut it back the plant will produce fresh growth and look full and bushy, you will also get better flower production.

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