Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Is there a way to save geraniums over the winter to replant in the spring?

My friend has her geraniums on the bathroom ledge where they are thriving. I also believe that 3 inch cuttings off a non flowering stem, root very easily.

I love the raw potato smell they have.
Is there a way to save geraniums over the winter to replant in the spring?
I left my geraniums in a large pot when they were outdoors. I have brought them in for the winter where they are happily blooming. Outside it is 24 degrees and snowing. It will be snowing for the next 6 days. The geranium is quite happy and putting out new blooms. I give the plant supplemental light from a portable gro-lux lamp.
Reply:Buy a cheap flourescent 4 ft fixture with four bulbs.

They are 10 bucks at wal mart. When you buy the bulbe (which are about 2 bucks a piece buy 2 warm and 2 cool.

You can pretty much grow anything under this. Not quite enough for fruiting plants but definetly enough to do for aq gernanium
Reply:I plant mine in a pot I can use indoors. They are still blooming now but when there done I snip them back only leaving the green leave and water and fertilize.
Reply:there is quite a few. I bring mine in pot them up cut them back to really new growth and put them in a sunny window. In the spring I cut them back before putting them out. You can take cuttings, sometimes they will root in water sometimes not. You can hang them upside down in a dry dark place. All the dirt has been shaken off and the plant is cut back to a main stem, I tried this but had too much moisture and they didn't make it, so try a few plants different ways and see what works for you.
Reply:depends on where you live -try cutting them down and mulching heavily.
Teeth Cleaning

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